The Beginner’s Guide To Choosing A Yoga Retreat

An increasing number of people are traveling to the farthest corners of the world in search of yoga retreats. Looking for some peace of mind, they seek spiritual experiences that are calming and rejuvenating. 

There are many yoga practitioners who offer exclusive access to retreats that are physically, spiritually, and emotionally illuminating. While many retreat seekers follow their gurus, most choose a retreat after listening to their friends rave about one. Many others pack their bags right after running a Google search. But to get the most out of it, you need to plan your trip methodically.

Here are the questions that you should ask yourself before signing up for a yoga retreat: 

What is my level of expertise? 

This is an extremely important question because some retreats are meant exclusively for beginners while others are for people who have some knowledge of yogic postures. If you have no idea about yoga and are placed among experienced yoga practitioners in an unfamiliar, secluded location, then chances are that you will find it difficult to relax. The way to go on about it would be to do some research and try out a few local yoga and meditation classes at first. 

Who is my guru? 

You should make an effort to know the guide who will walk you through yogic ideas and practices during the retreat. Read up client testimonials and get to know about his/her experience in the field. Check out their local workshops to ascertain whether your energies are in sync with each other. [reference: About Move Into Stillness]

What do I wish to achieve from the retreat? 

Are you just looking for a peaceful vacation or do you want to work on your bottled up emotions? Or perhaps you are looking for a holistic mind, body, and soul rejuvenation experience? 

Go through the retreat’s theme and agenda carefully before you sign up. It should have something that you seek to be actually helpful to you. 

Once you have some clarity regarding these questions, you can register for a yoga retreat, pack your bags, and set off!

Looking for the perfect yoga retreat for a life-changing experience? Then get in touch with Move In To Stillness today.