Learn Vajrasana Step By Step

Benefits of Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

  1. It is one of the best Asanas for meditation and concentration.
  2. Helps in keeping the mind stable and calm.
  3. Cures indigestion, acidity, gas formation and constipation, increases digestion process.
  4. Those people who are suffering from gas problems can practise immediately after lunch or dinner.
  5. Helps in back pain.
  6. Very beneficial in stomach disorders.
  7. Beneficial in urinary problems.
  8. Strengthens the sexual organs.
  9. Helps to reduce obesity.
  10. Gives strength to the thigh muscles.
  11. Useful for arthritis patients.
  12. Relieving pain in the knees.

English name: – Thunderbolt or diamond pose.
Position: – Sitting
Sanskrit name: – Vajrasana

The word Vajra is a Sanskrit word which means thunderbolt or diamond and the meaning of Asana is posture. According to Indian Mythology “Vajra” refers to the weapon of Indra (God of heaven) and which is a very hard weapon which is made of Bone. Daily practice of this Asana makes person steady and powerful. Vajrasana is only one simple Asana which can be practised anytime of the day including after meals.

Steps of Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

  1. First, sit in Dandasana or kneel down and fold your both legs and place your feet under the hips. (Both heels should be protruding outwards and the toes touching your hips, in this position the thumbs of both toes should be touching each other)
  2. Keep your spine and head erect with closed eyes.
  3. Your knees should be touching each other.
  4. Keep your right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.
  5. After that inhale slowly and exhale slowly by both nostrils. (Normal breathing).
  6. When you breathe in, visualize taking in new life-energy into your body and when breathing out out, visualize that all your disorders are exiting your body.
  7. In the beginning, try to practice Vajrasana for 5 minutes after lunch or dinner. Once you are used to it increase the time of asana gradually to about 30 minutes or more.


Those people who are suffering from severe joint pain or have knee injury or a recent operation should not try this asana. Increase the time of asana as much as you can or depending on your capability.

Always practise yoga asana and Pranayama under expert guidance.